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How two World Wars changed London’s mews streets forever

Although the scars of two world wars are barely visible in the capital today, during the first half of the 20th century terrible damage was inflicted on London’s built heritage. During the Second World War alone it is estimated that around 18,800 tons of high explosives rained down upon the city’s streets.


Why ‘safe as houses’ resonates after lockdown

In this month’s feature-packed edition of Mews News, Telegraph property writer Zoe Dare Hall examines the current prospects for homebuyers, sellers and landlords. The article, which features an interview with Lurot Brand’s Head of Sales Marlon Lloyd Malcolm, explores issues affecting the post-lockdown property market and asks “are we out of the woods?”


Is prime London property in recovery?

“Some prime London agents are shouting ‘recovery’ from the rafters lately, and there have been some groundbreaking sales to back them up.” So says Zoe Dare Hall of The Telegraph, writing in the spring edition of Mews News.


Our helpful guide to new lettings laws

Last year landlords were hit by a veritable landslide of new legislation, from the tenant fee ban to changes in mortgage interest tax relief. Here are the most important ones for landlords to make a note of.


The importance of pricing right

When a property sits on the market and fails to sell, where does the fault rest? Is it with the agent for failing to fulfill their obligation to make the sale? Or, does the blame rest with the seller or even with the potential buyers?



At the end of each year we publish articles in Mews News reviewing the last twelve months and predictions for what to expect over the coming year. To do this we scrutinise information gleaned from dozens of sources including the Land Registry, Rightmove, Lonres, Dataloft,, the press, and of course our own results. The […]
Belgravia Mews


5 beautiful Belgravia mews streets to call home

If you’ve missed the latest additions to our mews video gallery, here are our top 5 most beautiful mews in Belgravia and their lovely video tours. If you have any question about property in the area, don’t hesitate to contact our Belgravia mews specialists today.


Why you need a full property management service

A recent survey of 1,237 landlords (commissioned bizarrely by the DIY website; revealed that with over 145 individual laws and over 400 regulations to follow, it’s foolhardy for landlords to think they can ‘do’ lettings without expert advice.


Property pain? Don’t blame Brexit

Brexit and the Stamp Duty surcharge arrived within a month of each other in 2016. It is indisputable that the 12%- 15% Stamp Duty bracket has driven the volume of sales down to 75% lower than during the Financial Crises. Politicians and other pundits may blame Brexit for property market falls, but significantly no-one has […]


Party room or chilled-out hideaway? It’s all up on the roof

From intimate hideaways to chic, contemporary open spaces, mews houses can offer a surprising amount of outdoor space. 


The 2018 heatwave: too hot for the London property market?

Whether you enjoyed the hot weather or sweltered unhappily in London’s 35 degree plus temperatures, there’s no denying that London property sales suffered something of a meltdown in the recent heatwave.


5 compelling reasons to choose a (Lurot Brand) mews

In the ever-changing world of London property there’s one type of dwelling that has consistently met or exceeded people’s expectations: the mews house.


Stylish staircase designs from mews experts Lurot Brand

Interior design innovations – such as the stylish and compact staircases showcased here – have revolutionised the space and light available inside many mews properties.


5 must-have mews in heavenly Holland Park

  It’s no wonder that Holland Park attracts the world’s movers and shakers, including a number of high-profile celebrities. This area may boast many hip boutiques and restaurants but the real jewel in Holland Park’s crown is the lush green park at its heart: home to an open-air opera house and theatre.
Lurot Brand property developers


Trading up, renting out? Meet today’s creative property developers

Gone are the days when you could profit from a development and move up the property ladder by simply “tarting up the kitchen and the bathroom”, according to Lurot Brand’s General Manager, James Robinson.
Eaton Mews North SW1 Belgravia


Belgravia – London’s byword for beauty, elegance and style

Magnificent white stucco terraces, green leafy squares, exclusive restaurants and quaint, independent shops with facades unchanged since the 19th century. No wonder Belgravia has attracted the rich, royal and famous for almost 200 years.
Chelsea London Mews House


Want to lead a charmed life? Choose a Chelsea mews

Whether you’re looking to buy or simply researching a mews house for rent, Chelsea is a great lifestyle choice. It was the cradle of cutting-edge fashion in the Sixties.
A mews in bloom


4 mews property planting tips to transform your outdoor space

Spring may be a little late this year, but it won’t be long before London’s mews streets come alive with colour, as the flowering bulbs planted in window boxes and pots suddenly burst into life.


From everyday mews sale to national talking point

When the owners of a property in Cranley Mews – a street featured in the hit BBC TV series McMafia – wanted to move on, they naturally asked Lurot Brand to handle the sale. Their confidence in us as mews specialists was amply rewarded when our marketing department achieved the syndication of their story to […]
London property market forecast 2018


London property market forecast 2018? Our experts advise

As the go-to experts for London’s exclusive mews marketplace, Lurot Brand’s General Manager James Robinson and Head of Lettings Lyndsey Schiffer are uniquely qualified to reflect on last year’s property highs and lows and let us know what to expect in 2018. Read on for their perception of the London property market.


Mews outperform the houses they were built to serve

We have suspected for some time that we have been selling some mews houses for considerably higher prices per square foot than the surrounding properties so we did some research and what we found amazed us.

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