Will London ever be ready for Donald J Trump?

Donald J. Trump’s election victory could have a positive impact on the London property market, with US buyers eager to move or invest overseas
Donald J. Trump’s Election Victory Could Have A Positive Impact On The London Property Market, With Us Buyers Eager To Move Or Invest Overseas

James Robinson of London mews specialists Lurot Brand remembers when Donald J Trump was looking to ‘dabble’ in the London property market and suggests that Trump’s election victory could increase US buyers’ interest in London property.

While watching the buttock clenching embarrassments that were the presidential debates I was reminded of when, in the mid ‘90s I was contacted by a relocation agent with a ‘money no limit buyer’ wanting to see the very best new build apartments London had to offer.

I put together a two day itinerary and climbed into the armed limo cavalcade with none other than President elect Donald Trump. After enjoying the very affable billionaire’s company I thought it was time to close him for an offer on a sumptuous £12,000,000 flat overlooking Kensington Palace in 3a Palace Green, W8, which he had agreed was the best. He beamed broadly and said: “Hell, I am not going to buy nothing. I have just been using you. I was considering London for my next Trump Tower but from seeing all this crap I can see London ain’t ready for me yet”.

Among the many thoughts that went through my mind at that moment was that London probably never will be ready for Donald J Trump.

Americans in London

But not so for his fellow Americans who, after the Brits and Europeans, are our third most prolific buyers of mews houses.

Back then, in 1995, Trump was one of only 10% of Americans who held passports. However, by 2016 this figure has ballooned to 49% and they are very fond of the ‘Old Country’. So much so that 71,000 Americans have already made London their home and it’s safe to say that, following this election result, they are soon to be joined by many more of their friends and family. After all we already issue around 550,000 UK visas to Americans per year.

With a strong economy, a weak pound and a common language, London must look even more attractive than Canada, whose immigration website crashed when his victory was confirmed.

So, is this good for London? As long as he manages to keep his pudgy little finger off the big red button and we can receive a fair share of their investment and talent, then hell yes!”

Whether you’re an American in London, a Brit, or from any other part of the world and you’re looking to buy a truly unique property in Central London, we highly recommend a mews property for sale. You won’t find any Trump walls or fences around our offices in Hyde Park, Kensington or Notting Hill. Contact us to arrange a viewing; we would love to show you around a selection of magnificent period mews including the picturesque street Mr Trump viewed with James.

Photo Credit: Tibor Janosi Mozes

Donald J. Trump’s election victory could have a positive impact on the London property market, with US buyers eager to move or invest overseas
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