Mews homes – Dream residence of creatives

Among those with a keen interest in London’s mews houses are creatives and it’s easy to see why

Every mews property is totally unique, both inside and out, they ooze character, there is the potential for imaginative interior design and most mews are found in quiet, discreet streets in prime locations in the heart of the capital.Most period London mews have retained their original features – old stable doors, beautiful brick, wrought iron work and inscriptions (check out Adam and Eve mews in Kensington), which appeals to creatives searching for offbeat, prestigious residences.Mews quirky interiors (windowless backs etc.) are seen as a challenge by creatives who take pleasure in refurbishing their new home. Their modest size makes them an ideal low-maintenance residence for busy artists. Centrally located on picturesque streets with a strong community vibe, these exquisite pieces of real estate provide opportunities to meet and mingle with neighbours (often creatives themselves) and are within easy reach fine dining and well-known entertainment venues. We have several stunning mews properties on our books so if you’d like a stylish home with character where you can lead a laid back lifestyle in prime Central London, let us know.

A lot of period mews retain characteristics including ancient stable doors, derricks used to haul hay and their original roofline. It is these elements of individuality which draws the attention of creatives, keen to live in a home that stands out from those surrounding it

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