Is a return to mews house building on the cards?

Tuesday 7th February saw Communities Secretary Sajid Javid deliver the Government’s long-awaited White Paper on housing

There were two themes at the heart of the paper: more choice for all home movers – whether tenant or buyer – and a better use of the land we have.Speaking to a national newspaper, Javid touched on the issue of density – how many properties are built on a given patch of land. He cited the mews houses, mansion blocks and terraced streets of Kensington & Chelsea as examples of where high density is coupled with desirability.And it appears that onwards might not always mean upwards. The secretary was also firm on the notion that increased house building doesn’t have to mean skyscrapers and ‘ugly tower blocks packed with tiny one-bed rabbit hutches’.With the White Paper reducing red tape attached to planning and also pressing developers to build on land they are ‘banking’, we could see a return to more traditional property house types, with the exciting prospect of some modern-day mews being introduced in London.

After all, some of the most densely populated parts of London are places such as Kensington and Chelsea, home to extremely desirable mansion blocks, mews houses and grand terraced streets.

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