Our Top Home Energy Saving Tips

Everywhere you go you are reminded to save energy and the environment. What people seem to sometimes forget is the fact that some of the biggest changes you can make to your energy efficiency levels can be found at home. Without banging on too much about the impending winter (although it is coming, despite this deceptively warm week we’re having) it is the season when your homes energy efficiency and budget will be tested. Below we have put together a, by no means exhaustive, list of home energy saving tips. If you have any inspired ideas of your own don’t forget to add them in the comment box below.

Top Ways Of Saving Energy In The Home

The Standby Scourge

There is nothing more wasteful around the house than electrical devices that have been left on for no reason whatsoever. If you really think about it, what possible, logical reason do you have to leave your TV on standby all night? Having it turn on a few seconds quicker when you go downstairs in the morning doesn’t count. The average household spends around £70 a year keeping household electronic devices on standby! So be smart, turn it off.

If you are one of those people that has to leave their computer on all the time then at least consider sending it to sleep (one of the few items we would condone leaving on standby). Also, next time you are using it, check what power settings you have running. Just one click to power saver mode can drastically reduce your power usage. On top of this ensure all peripherals such as printers and speakers are switched off when you aren’t using them. That can also stand for your wifi router too, do you really need it on while you sleep?

House Wide Home Energy Saving Tips

Try turning the heating down by 1 degrees. It’s highly unlikely you’ll notice a real difference and even if you do just wear a jumper. A reduction in temperature by one degrees could save you £60 a year! If you wanted to go one step further you could install a programmable thermostat. This will automatically adjust the temperature giving your house a much more even heat as well as saving you a good amount of money.

Jumpers-For-Saving-Energy-In-The-Home-BlogAnother really effective way of saving energy in the home involves switching your old halogen bulbs for ultra efficient LED’s. They may be a slightly larger initial investment than traditional bulbs but in the long run they will pay off with their 50, 000 hour lifespan and 90% energy saving.

Insulate, Insulate, Insulate!

Whether it’s your loft, cavity walls or solid walls, if they’re not insulated your property will be haemorrhaging money in the form of lost heat. A simple insulation filling will prevent heat from escaping so easily therefore reducing how much you have to spend to heat your home. We know that insulation may not be cheap BUT the long term saving more than covers the initial expenditure. This stands for hot water pipes and tanks as well.

Here’s an extra heating tip for the winter. Keep all blinds and curtains on the southside of your property open during the warmest parts of winter days to absorb all that free heat from the biggest radiator known to man, the sun. Close these drapes at night to trap all this warmth in.

In The Bathroom

Try investing in an eco showerhead. It uses less water but feels (almost) just as powerful. Some showerheads will allow you to save up to 60% of your usual water usage. Also consider having less baths, they are far more wasteful than showers.

In The Kitchen

Your kitchen is full of energy sapping appliances and although most of them are necessary some changes can be made to help you with saving energy in your home. For example, you can switch to an A-rated fridge freezer. This is another example of a large investment that will pay off in the long run. When it comes to your washing machine try washing at 30 degrees instead of 40, it’s just as efficient in most cases and uses 40% less energy. Even better, if your washing machine has an eco setting, use it.

Washing-Machine-InsideAnother tip is allowing clothes to air dry. Tumble dryers use energy like there is no tomorrow, allowing extra time for clothes to dry in a warm room or on the washing line is far more efficient.

A really good way of saving energy in the home involves some tracking on your part. If you really wanted to find out how much money you’re wasting on your energy bills why not invest in an Efergy Engage Hub kit or similar product. Perfect for homeowners or landlords alike the kit allows you to check your (or your tenants) energy usage wirelessly via your smartphone or computer.

Of course, different properties have different levels of energy efficiency. All our available properties are listed with Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) so you know exactly how efficient they are and what efficiency potentials they posses.

Written by Lajla Turner | Lettings Manager

Featured Image Attribution:  Horia Varlan

Image One Attribution: Janet McKnight

Image Two Attribution: Andrew Kelsall, Graphic Designer

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