Mewsings on what makes a great mews home

Bold colours, a profusion of pots, iron balconies, colourful window boxes

House and Garden online has recently uploaded an Instagram gallery of gorgeous mews houses, adding an appeal to readers to send it their own favourites.It’s clear that each house reflects its owner’s personality, particularly when it comes to the choice of colour. Mediterranean pinks and blues are popular, as are more urban shades of grey and black. One or two owners have chosen to make a real statement by creating murals that cover the front and sides of the building. Greenery is also used to great effect: whether it’s cascading down the walls, sprouting from terracotta planters, framing doors and windows or weaving its way between old iron railings, the use of planting helps to create a real sense of character.If you own a lovely mews house, you can upload an image to Instagram tagged with #Mewsings. If you’re still looking for your perfect mews home, contact us at Lurot Brand. We specialise in sales and lettings for mews properties and we’d love to help.

Instagram’s @mewsingsldn uses her account to collect the most charming mews across Britain. Here, she has hand-picked twenty of her favourite pockets of paradise for us to ‘mews’ upon

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