The secret of energy conservation inside a ‘wrapped’ mews

Sanya Polescuk Architects are old hands at designing stunning contemporary mews conversions, creating cleverly remodelled rooms flooded with natural light

At Lurot Brand we are always keen to learn about innovative approaches to mews conversion: we were therefore fascinated to read Sanya Polescuk’s case study, where it’s clear that energy consumption was just as important as the visual aspects of the design.This late 19th century building in Camden was ‘wrapped’ with the latest insulation materials to achieve a staggering 75% reduction in energy consumption. Throughout the process many of the original Victorian elements were reused, reconditioned and upgraded so the building could meet its environmental targets. Windows and doors were double or triple glazed and cutting edge mechanical and electrical services were fitted to recycle heat and reduce water usage. Many of London’s most exclusive mews properties are undergoing similar conversions to become homes that offer the highest standards in sustainable living. Call us at Lurot Brand today to view some remarkable mews conversions.

The building underwent a thorough retro-fit, meeting The Code for Sustainable Homes, Level 4. According to an evaluation carried out by SuperHomes, it achieves a 75% reduction in energy consumption.

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