Boost your rental income with these clever marketing tips

Creating the right image to market your rental property can lead to an increase of up to 40% in headline rent, according to Lurot Brand’s Head of Lettings, Lynsey Schipper

As tenants now use the internet almost exclusively when searching for a new home, Lynsey argues that a shrewd landlord should use strategically placed mirrors, good lighting and well-chosen items of furniture to ensure that their property projects an image that appeals directly to the age, demographic and lifestyle of potential tenants.She also suggests ways of making your property memorable to homeseekers who may be feeling overwhelmed after too many viewings: “In a sea of beige boxes you can easily stand out from the crowd with a simple but effective memory tool such as a huge (fake) pot plant or an oversize super bright framed print on a wall.” At Lurot Brand we let all types of residential property but our offices are strategically located for the three best London areas for mews properties. If you are a landlord looking to let a London mews property, call us today to arrange a property valuation.

In a sea of beige boxes you can easily stand out from the crowd with a simple but effective memory tool such as a huge (fake) pot plant or an oversize super bright framed print on a wall.

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