Preparing Your Property for Photography

When showcasing your property through photography, first impressions count. It is in everyone’s best interest to show the property in the best light so as to attract the perfect buyers or renters.

The best way to achieve this is by de-cluttering the space and making your property look clean, clear and organised. Although we understand that there might be a limit to what can be done, here are a few suggestions from us to consider.

Front Door

First impressions count, so take a look a the outside of your property. Do your windows need a clean? Could your front door do with a fresh lick of paint? Is it time to replace your old door mat with a new one or maybe those empty planters are wanting for some pretty shrubbery.

Reception Room

For many home owners, the reception room is the main entertainment space and heart of the home. You can make it your best interior space by putting away any loose items such as toys, electronics, and clothing. As mews properties tend to be single aspect. many feature ingenious light-wells to add more light. Lighting is very important for beautiful, appealing photographic images, so you should optimise all the natural light coming into the property by making sure your blinds and curtains are open. Messy seating areas are uninviting, so arrange any cushions and fold any throws you have neatly. Photos look better if they are natural – not when they’ve been photoshopped – so keep books and magazines in tidy piles and give the space a quick vacuum and mop.


You might be a master chef in the kitchen but for many people, the result of those appetizing recipes can be too many appliances and ingredients scattered around the kitchen worktops and dining room tables. Here, it’s best to clear the counters and hide any clutter, including washing up items and pet accessories.


A pristine bathroom is something to be proud of. Make sure yours is photo ready by having a good clean paying close attention to reflective surfaces such as mirrors and limescale around the taps. Less is more when it comes to what is on display, so remove any loose items and keep towels neatly folded or hidden.


It goes the same as the rest of the house, make sure your bedroom is a bright, welcoming space by opening your curtains. Create a more cosy environment by making the beds and move any laundry baskets and clothes out of view.

Outside and inside

If you are one of the rare few mews owners that have a garden why not clear any hoses, toys, or vehicles.

Some buyers and tenants will prefer seeing lifestyle staging so that they can really imagine themselves living in the space. You can do so by laying out a simple dinner setting, lighting the fire, adding fresh flowers or indoor plants or simply putting a cookbook out on the kitchen counter. These small details are sure to elevate the interior spaces in your home.

Our professional photographers will be happy to offer advice, but it is appreciated if the above steps have already been taken before their arrival.

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